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International Journals
Edgar A. Portilla-Flores, Maria B. Calva-Yáñez, Miguel G. Villarreal-Cervantes, Paola A. Niño Suárez and Gabriel Sepúlveda-Cervantes, “Dynamic approach to optimum synthesis of a four‐bar mechanism using a swarm intelligence algorithm”, Kybernetika, Vol. 50, No. 5 Pag. 786-803, ISSN: 0023-5954, DOI: 10.14736/kyb-2014-5-0786, December 2014.
José Fermi Guerrero-Castellanos, Miguel Gabriel Villarreal-Cervantes, José Pedro Sánchez-Santana, Soledad Ramírez-Martínez, “Seguimiento de trayectorias de un robot móvil (3,0) mediante control acotado”, Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática, Vol. 11, No. 4, Pag. 426-434, Octubre-Diciembre 2014, ISSN: 1697-7912, DOI: 10.1016/j.riai.2014.09.005 , Available in:, November 2014.
Miguel G. Villarreal-Cervantes, Daniel De la Cruz-Muciño, Edgar A. Portilla-Flores, “Optimum Design of Parallelogram Five-bar Manipulator for Dexterous Workspace by using ELEMAEF in Differential Evolution”, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 5, Pag. 2129-2140, ISSN: 2325-0399, DOI:10.12785/amis/080506, September 2014.
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